Scar Therapy
Scar Therapy
Scar therapy is used to help remodel scar tissue that has developed after an injury. Treatments are performed after cosmetic surgery, emergency or other planned surgery or burns. Scar tissue massage is also known as scar mobilisation or scar tissue mobilisation. At SANAR, we use the RESTORE scar therapy method.
Scar Therapy is a clinically proven effective way to decrease scar tissue build-up and help make scars less noticeable. Pain and discomfort are not always felt at the source of the problem. Scar massage is a holistic approach combining understanding of any discomfort or pain, with assessing movement and mobility across the body, as well as directly around the scar.
Please book a 90 minute appointment for an initial consultation, following this a plan with a package of sessions will be suggested according to your needs and goals.
Following your consultation and assessment, your treatment will be tailored to focus on areas of tightness and tension around your scar and the underlying fascia, muscles and any fibrotic tissue.
Scar Therapy is often considered to be most effective on immature scar tissue (less than two years old) but may still help with older scars.
RESTORE scar therapy treatment can help care for your scar and the underlying tissue. We can focus on issues related to a surgery or traumatic injury such as:
-Pain after surgery or injury (burns)
-Limited movement or tightness
-Pulling or puckering
-Fibrous scar tissue or scar adhesions
Your appointment will include a special scar massage at the right pace and pressure to suit you, plus useful advice for caring for your scar at home.
A RESTORE scar therapy appointment in the first 6 months after a scar is created is very helpful (even if you are not experiencing any unwanted complications) but it's never too late to benefit from scar treatment.